Congrats! Four PKU Professors Newly Named as CAS and CAE Members
2021 Cohort attends the School Opening Ceremony
Peking University Move-In Day Kicks Off 2021-22 School Year
Peking University Landmark: The Alumni Bridge
Peking University holds Sports Culture Day and Sports Meeting


Qatari Ambassador to China Mohamed Al-Dehaimi visits Peking University

Mohamed Al-Dehaimi, Qatari ambassador to China, visited Peking University on April 4. Hao Ping, president of Peking University, and Wang Bo, vice president of Peking University, met with the delegation.

  • The 11th Outdoor Skills Competition held by MAPKU
  • Peking University Laboratory Animal Research Center earns full accreditation
  • PKU RUN100871 Club restarts the Long March of Southwest United University
  • Peking University Hosts 11th “Australian Writers’ Week”
  • Research

    Blood Publishes Findings by Professor Huang Xiaojun’s Research Team as Cover Highlight

    On March 16, 2018, the latest research findings by Professor Huang Xiaojun, Director of Peking University Institute of Hematology (PKUIH) and Dean of Hematology Department of Peking University People’s Hospital, were published by Blood,the international top journal in hematology ......




    Professor Gao Jiahong elected chairman of the OHBM

    Professor Gao Jiahong elected chairman of the OHBM


    The artistic performance of the 120th anniversary celebration

    The artistic performance of the 120th anniversary celebration

