
BEIJING FORUM 2020•Health Communication Sub-forum丨Medicine, Humanity and Media :“Healthy China” & Health Communication International Conference

Keynote Speakers




开云app体育 新闻与传播学院教授 博导,开云app体育 传播与文化研究所副所长,中国预防医学会健康传播分会委员,中国新闻史学会所属公共关系学会、舆论研究委员会、全球传播与公共外交委员会、媒介伦理与法规委员会常务理事。中国新闻文化促进会健康产业发展传播分会副会长,国际公关协会学术委员会委员,研究方向为健康传播与媒介治理。先后承担国家社科基金、广电总局、国家卫计委、食药监总局、食品安全风险评估中心课题十多项,发表相关论文四十多篇。

Prof. & PhD. Head,Health Communication,School of Journalism and Communication, Peking University。

Jing XU has received her Ph.D. at school of International Studies in Peking University and has been teaching at Peking University for the past 28 years. She has Involved in more than ten national and international research projects, including Risk Communication on Pandemic (2010, China’s Ministry of Health), Public Survey and Risk Communication on Food Safety (2012, CFSA), Online Opinion Supervision and Risk Communication on Food Safety (2019, CMH), Risk Communication and Public Health Emergency Management (2020, PKU). She authored, co-authored, edited five books, and published more than 50 journal articles. She has visited and lectured at Oxford University (2001-2002), the Royal Institute of Technology Sweden, HK Chinese University, Hong Kong City University, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Università della Svizzera Italiana and others.


开云app体育 新闻与传播学院教授、副院长。本科毕业于清华大学外语系,爱荷华大学传播研究系传播学硕士、博士。主要研究领域为批判媒体与文化研究,传播与媒介技术的社会理论,新媒介技术的社会使用与文化分析,视觉文化等。学术兴趣主要集中在文化研究和批判社会理论的领域。具体地说,运用西方马克思主义,结构主义,话语理论,后殖民批判,政治经济学等理论方法和视角来分析和理解现代媒体工业的文化、社会及经济角色。目前,研究主要侧重于奇观文化与新媒介技术的社会想象与社会使用。

Dr. Wu Jing is professor and vice Dean at the School of Journalism and Communication at Peking University. She got her Ph.D. in Communication from the Department of Communication Studies, the University of Iowa in 2002. Her research areas are critical media and cultural studies, social theories of communication and media technology, social uses of new media, new media and creative industries, visual culture, etc. She published articles both in Chinese and English on topics concerning various aspects of media, culture and society. Her latest book is entitled Visual Expressions of Cultural Modernity: Ways of Seeing and Communication. She has guest lectured at Oxford University, Columbia University and the Royal Institute of Technology among others. Her recent research interests focus on social uses, history and social theories of new media technologies, especially visual media and the Internet.




MAO Qunan is deputy director of the office of the National Patriotic Health Campaign Committee and the office of Healthy China Action Promotion Committee, director of planning, development and information department of National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China.

In July 1985, he graduated from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, with a bachelor's degree in medicine. In July 1992, he graduated from the School of Public Health of Tongji University with a master's degree in medicine. In 1987, he transferred from Beijing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine to the General Office of the National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China (the former Ministry of Health). In September 2002, he served as the deputy director of the General Office and the spokesperson. In October 2008, he served as the director and party secretary of the China Health Education Center (News and Publicity Center of the Ministry of Health). In June 2013, he served as the spokesperson and director of the Publicity Department of the NHC (the former Health and Family Planning Commission of the People's Republic of China).In November 2017, he served as the director of the Disease control and Prevention Bureau (Office of the National Patriotic Health Campaign Committee) of the National Health and Family Planning Commission. In January 2019, he served as the director of the Planning, Development and Information Department of the NHC.


Paige Snider is the Senior Advisor, Communication and External Relations for WHO China. Paige manages a team of communications professionals and provides strategic leadership to the Healthy Cities 2030 initiatives. Prior to joining WHO China, she worked with a wide range of organizations including government, multinational companies, large development agencies, universities, and independent foundations. She has deep experience in strategic communications, policy analysis, media relations, and tailored engagement strategies for key stakeholders. Paige studied political science and urban economics, and has a Masters in Urban Planning.


Rajiv Rimal

Dr. Rajiv N. Rimal is Professor and Chair of the Department of Health, Behavior & Society at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health in the United States. He is an expert in social and behavior change theory and field interventions, and he currently serves as a member of the World Health Organization’s Technical Advisory Group on Behavioural Insights and Sciences for Health. Over the last 25 years, he has conducted behavior change interventions and evaluations in several countries, including in Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Malawi, Namibia, Nepal, Mexico, Serbia, South Africa, Uganda, and the United States. He also serves in an advisory capacity on several international and global health review panels. His work on social norms asks questions about how interventions can change social norms to change health behaviors. He is currently leading a Gates Foundation-funded intervention to implement a social norms-based intervention to reduce anemia in Odisha, India, and another intervention to promote immunization in Nepal. His recent work is using social norms, social network analyses, and agent-based modeling to develop region-representative data and subsequently implement and evaluate behavior-change interventions.

Amanda M. Caleb

Amanda Caleb is Professor and Founding Director of Medical and Health Humanities and Professor of English at Misericordia University. She received her PHD in English and MA in Nineteenth-Century Studies from the University of Sheffield and her BA in English with a Gender Studies concentration from Davidson College. Her research interests include intersections of literature, medicine, science, and policy: she is interested in the ways that individual accounts of illness can influence health care practices and policies. Dr. Caleb has published a number of articles and book chapters on topics ranging from stigma-reduction through narrative encounters, to dementia and the role of narrative of medicine, to the rhetoric of British eugenics, to accounts of illness in the Victorian period. She is the recipient of two National Endowment for the Humanities grants, one as primary investigator to revise the Medical and Health Humanities curriculum, and one as co-investigator to develop public humanities projects responding to COVID-19, which includes a YouTube lecture series, COVID-19 and the Humanities

Mohan Dutta

Mohan J Dutta is Dean's Chair Professor of Communication. He is the Director of the Center for Culture-Centered Approach to Research and Evaluation (CARE), developing culturally-centered, community-based projects of social change, advocacy, and activism that articulate health as a human right. Mohan Dutta's research examines the role of advocacy and activism in challengingmarginalizing structures, the relationship between poverty and health, political economy of global health policies, the mobilization of cultural tropes for the justification of neo-colonial health development projects, and the ways in which participatory culture-centered processes and strategies of radical democracy serve as axes of global social change.




近年来在Tobacco Control, Journal of Psychiatric Research, Journal of Experimental Education, Journal of Informetrics, Communication Research,Health Communication, Journal of Media Psychology等传播学以及心理学、信息计量学、公共健康等期刊发表论文多篇,研究论文获得美国传播学会(NCA)的传播与老龄化研究优秀论文奖,Communication Studies 2017年度最佳论文奖。先后在美国Indiana University 的传播心理生理实验室、香港城市大学网络挖掘实验室、Michigan State University以及澳门大学等从事访问合作研究。

Richard Stree

Richard L. Street, Jr. PhD, is Professor of Communication at Texas A&M University and Professor of Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine.His research focuses on clinician-patient communication, pathways linking communication to improved health outcomes, and strategies for increasing patient involvement in care.He has published over 150 articles and book chapters, as well as a number of books, monographs, and special issues of various journals.In 2003, he was named Outstanding Health Communication Scholar by the International Communication Association.In 2008, he received the L. Donohew Health Communication Scholar Award from the University of Kentucky.In 2010, he was awarded the Texas A&M Association of Former Students Distinguished Achievement in Research Award.In 2012, he was given the George L. Engel award by the American Academy on Communication in Healthcare for career contributions to the research, practice, and teaching of effective healthcare communication skills.

May Lwin

Professor May Lwin is the Chair of Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information and a Joint Professor with the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. Prof Lwin is also the Director of NTU’s University Scholars Programme. Prof Lwin’s research projects involve the development and assessment of health communication interventions based on psycho-social theoretical frameworks to improve health outcomes of target audiences. She has conducted extensive research on Singapore children and adolescents’ health behaviours.Prof Lwin’s projects on digital technology use in promoting physical activity and nutrition education amongst children and families has been piloted in primary and secondary schools and hospitals in Singapore.She has also successfully developed and launched mobile tracking systems, such as the Mo-Buzz social media surveillance for tackling dengue and FluTac, a digital influenza surveillance system which is currently being piloted by health workers.She has received a large number of awards, including the International Communication Association (ICA) Outstanding Applied Scholar Award, the Ogilvy Foundation Award and the Fulbright ASEAN Scholar Award.Prof Lwin is a Fellow of the International Communication Association.

Julia van Weert

Dr. Julia van Weert is Professor of Health Communication and Chair of the Department of Communication Science at the University of Amsterdam, one of the largest communication research institutes worldwide. She is also founding director of the Amsterdam Center for Health Communication (www.healthcommunication.nl). Het research concentrates on theory-driven and applied health communication research among underprivileged groups. A major aim is to unravel the complicated dynamics between digital information provision and patients’ cognitive, emotional, communication and health outcomes. Her recent work, in collaboration with Medical Centers, includes a comprehensive data-driven science approach for valid prediction of health risks, to be communicated in health communication tools for patients and healthcare providers. Her research resulted in over 190 publications and received many awards, including the Lewis Donohew Outstanding Health Communication Scholar Award and the Jozien Bensing award. Van Weert highly contributes to the development of Health Communication in Europe by being an active member of the European Communication and Education Association (ECREA), International Association for Communication in Healthcare (EACH), International Communication Association (ICA) and Netherlands-Flanders Communication Association (NeFCA). She is also Founding Editor-in-Chief of the European Journal of Health Communication, Editor of The International Encyclopedia of Health Communication (Wiley Blackwell) and Associate Editor of Patient Education and Counseling.


孙昕霙,开云app体育 公共卫生学院社会医学与健康教育系教授,博士生导师,系党支部书记兼副主任。2006年获得开云app体育 社会医学与卫生事业管理专业博士学位。2013-2014年赴美国北卡大学教堂山分校进修健康行为学。中华预防医学会健康教育与促进分会委员,中国卫生信息与健康医疗大数据学会全科医学与健康管理标准委员会副主任委员。近年来,作为课题负责人主持国家自然基金、北京市自然科学基金及横向科研课题10余项,发表第一作者或通讯作者的中英文论文超过100篇,著述专著1部,获得专利1项。主编《健康传播学教程》。近期主要的研究领域为慢性非传染性疾病防控的健康素养、为干预与健康传播。

XinyingSun,PhD, ProfessorDeputy director of Department of Social Medicine and Health Education, School of Public Health, Peking University. Xinying Sun got the PhD in 2006 at Peking University. As visiting scholar, Dr. Sun studied at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill during 2013-2014. Dr. Sun now is the member of health education and promotion branch of Chinese Preventive Medicine Association andthe vice chairman of general practice and health management standard committee of China health information and health care big data society. She did several researches funded by China National Science Foundation and BeijingScience Foundation, focusing on health related behavior intervention and health communication. More than 100 articles (1/5 of them in English) have been published.A book named Health Communication was published last month.



Zhenyi Li, Professor and Director, School of Communication and Culture at Royal Roads University, Victoria, BC, Canada

Research Areas:Dr. Li examines healthcare communication from intercultural perspective. He has published articles and book chapters focusing on child vaccination, chronic disease, and healthcare professionals’ intercultural competence.

Zhao Xiao-Quan赵晓泉

Xiaoquan Zhao received his Ph.D. (2005) from the Annenberg School for Communication, the University of Pennsylvania. His research focuses on health message design and effects, evaluation of public communication campaigns, health information seeking, information disparities affecting vulnerable populations, news effects on health and risk perceptions, and the role of the self in health behavior and persuasive communication. The substantive topics of his work include smoking, drug use, cancer, medical adherence, and climate change. Dr. Zhao’s recent projects include research on the effectiveness of graphic warning labels on cigarette packets, message testing and outcome evaluation for FDA's youth tobacco prevention campaigns, and studies of self-affirmation as a method to reduce resistance to health and risk communication messages. Dr. Zhao’s has published numerous articles in leading journals of communication, public health, and environmental science, such as the Journal of Communication, Human Communication Research, Communication Research, Health Communication, Journal of Health Communication, Nicotine & Tobacco Research, and Public Understanding of Science. His work has received support from both public and private funding sources. In 2013-2014, he worked as a Tobacco Regulatory Science Fellow at the FDA's Center for Tobacco Products. Since 2014, he has served as subject matter expert and scientific adviser to the Division of Research and Evaluation in the Office of Health Communication and Education at FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products, providing wide-ranging research support for FDA’s ongoing national tobacco education campaigns.


美国德克萨斯农工大学 (Texas A&M University) 传播学博士 (2017),现为新加坡国立大学传播与新媒体系助理教授,博士生导师。


Shaohai Jiang is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communications and New Media at the National University of Singapore. He got his Ph.D. in Communication from Texas A&M University in 2017.

His research examines patient-provider communication (face-to-face and online), eHealth and mHealth, and health campaigns and interventions. He serves on the editorial board of Health Communication, and Journal of Applied Communication Research.


