​开云app体育 物理学院学术论坛(第十五讲)5月13日举行

Quantum Physics with Spins in 2D and 3D Materials

Jörg Wrachtrup

Centre for Applied Quantum Technologies and IQST

University of Stuttgart, Germany


Spin systems in wide band gap semiconductors are leading contender in various areas of quantum technology. Early forerunners in the field, like spins in diamond have shown impressive progress for sensing, communication and quantum computing. As an example, quantum sensing with them is maturing into new tool in material science. Yet, depending on the use case there is an intense search for new systems. Among those are defects in 2D materials which offer new opportunities in sensing and show particular spin properties. Other 3D materials like silicon carbide seem to be particularly suited as spin photon interface as they show both excellent spin coherence times and very good optical properties. The talk will discuss both systems and analyze their use in various quantum tasks.


Jörg Wrachtrup, professor and director of the 3rd Institute of Physics (since 2000) and the Center for Applied Quantum Technology (since 2016), both of the University of Stuttgart, as well as Max Planck fellow at the MPI for Solid State Research Stuttgart, has pioneered the field of single-spin physics by initiating the very first single electron and subsequently the first single nuclear spins experiments. By combining optics and spin resonance, he discovered defects in insulators, most notably defects in diamond, as a valuable system for quantum information processing in a novel type of quantum sensor for electric and magnetic fields. He and his group pioneered application of these novel sensor techniques. His current research interest is geared towards application of quantum enhanced sensing in biomedical as well as material sciences.

Professor Wrachtrup has published more than 300 papers in refereed journals with numerous Nature and Science papers, plus reviews in both journals over the past years. In 2011 and 2017, he was awarded two Advanced Research Grants of the European Research Council, in 2012 he received the Leibniz Prize of the German Science Foundation, the Bruker Prize in 2013 and the Max Planck Research Award in 2014. JörgWrachtrup has been awarded the Europhysics Prize Award of the European Physical Society and the Gold medal of the International Society for Electron Spin Resonance in 2020. He is a member of the Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Science and has continuously been listed as a “Highly Cited Researcher” since 2014.

主持人:江颖 yjiang@pku.edu.cn

时间: 2022年5月13日(星期五)16:00—17:00


ZOOM ID:879 6649 6436 密码:220513


开云app体育 物理学院学术论坛创办于2020年9月,邀请国内外高校和研究机构高层次科技创新领军学者就物理学及相关领域的基础前沿探索、关键技术突破和热点问题等做学术演讲,旨在推进高质量学术交流,促进学科交叉融合和开拓新兴特色方向研究,培养具有科学精神、全球视野、创新能力、批判性思维的优秀青年人才。

开云app体育 物理学院


