柱础 The column base


柱础 The column base
Location: In the bamboo grove to the lower south of the Luce Pavilion
Category: Relics
      在湖心岛鲁斯亭南侧下方竹林中,新近发现了一块石雕构件,据其外形推测当为一柱础(即石柱底座)。其材质为汉白玉,分两层:下层为方形基座,边长约 0.42 米,一侧刻有铭文“1925 BROTHERHOOD AND HARMONY”;上层为方形石雕,中刻鱼鳞纹,四周饰以荷叶卷边纹,中间有圆形小槽,直径约 0.28 米,原来当为放置石柱处。在底座旁边,尚有石柱残件,高约 0.2 米。

Distinguishing feature
      In the bamboo grove to the lower south of the Luce Pavilion there is a newly found stone carving sculpture, which, judging from the shape, is a column base. Made of marble, it has two parts. The lower part is a square base and the side length is about 0. 42 meter. On one side can be seen the inscription “1925 BROTHERHOOD AND HARMONY”. The upper part, square in shape, about 0.28 meter in diameter and with fish scale patterns in the middle and lotus leaf curl patterns all around, is probably the place where a pillar was placed. Next to the base, there are stone pillar remnant, which is about 0.2 meter high.
      The upper part of the column base is probably a relic of a Qing-dynasty garden, while the lower base seems to be a new adding by Yenching University, whose usage and source are not clear yet.