治贝子园 The Zhibeizi Garden


治贝子园 The Zhibeizi Garden
Location: between classroom building No. 4 and the Qiudeba Gymnasium
Category: Architectural relics

      治贝子园门口立有一尊老子汉白玉石雕立像,古色古香,门牌“治贝子园”四字为季羡林所题写。治贝子园曾占地四顷,有房屋 139 间,树木逾 800 棵,现在只余一座两进的四合院。修缮后的院子仍然保留了传统合院南北向的建筑格局以及卷棚硬山顶、灰色砖墙面的传统建筑风格,掩映在邱德拔体育馆、第四教学楼等现代建筑之间,显得格外典雅。
      治贝子园最早因主人为清宗室贝子载治而得名,后由载治之子溥侗继承,称“红豆馆”。溥侗对昆曲、京剧造诣很深,常在治贝子园内与票友唱戏交流,因此“红豆馆”也在中国近代戏曲史上具有重要的地位。1928年治贝子园为燕京大学拍卖而得,作为农场使用,故又名“燕农园”。1995 年,经台湾学者陈鼓应呼吁,台湾友人雷永泰、陈金发捐资修缮了治贝子园,该园现为中国哲学暨文化研究所的办公用地。
Distinguishing feature
      If you walk behind the classroom building No. 4, you will find a marble statue of Lao zi and the Zhibeizi Garden. The door plate "Zhibeizi Garden" is written by Ji Xianlin. The Zhibeizi Garden once occupied an area of four hectares, with 139 houses and more than 800 trees, while now there is only a two-in courtyard. The renovated courtyard still retains the architectural pattern of the traditional courtyard heading from South to North and follows the simple and unadorned yet elegant style of traditional Chinese buildings.
      The name of this garden came from its first master, the royal family member Zaizhi. In 1928, this garden was bought by Yenching University from an auction, and was later used as farmland, which is why it is also called the Nongyuan Garden. In 1995, this garden was renovated and it is now used as the office for the Institute of Chinese Philosophy and Culture.