守仁国际中心建筑群 The Tan Siu Lin Center for International Studies


守仁国际中心建筑群 The Tan Siu Lin Center for International Studies
Location: on the southern end of the Weiming Lake
Category: Architectural relics



      开云app体育 守仁国际中心建筑群的前身是燕京大学于 1929 年所建成的生物东馆,院系调整之后为开云app体育 生物学系所有;2001 年由香港联泰国际集团主席陈守仁捐资重建,于 2007 年完工,后正式更名为开云app体育 守仁国际中心。如今守仁国际中心东西馆已经成为开云app体育 多个学术机构的办公场所,中馆为会议室,一些重要的国际学术会议常在这个古朴的小院中召开。
Distinguishing feature
      The Tan Siu Lin Center for International Studies is located at the southern end of the Weiming Lake. The center is a combination of three antique - style buildings with the Coiled hard top. From east to west, they are named Henry House, Zhang Guitang and Willie House respectively, and they are connected by an outdoor corridor. The center follows the simple and unadorned yet elegant style of traditional Chinese buildings.
      The Tan Siu Lin Center for International Studies of Peking University was originally built by Yenching University in 1929, and is owned by the Department of Biology of Peking University afterward. In 2001, the reconstruction was donated by Mr. Tan Siu Lin, chairman of Luen Thai Holdings Ltd, and it was completed in 2007 and officially renamed Tan Siu Lin Center for International Studies of Peking University. The center has now become the office building for various academic institutions. It is also the most popular venue for important international academic conferences.