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Academic Title:

Degree:Doctoral degree


School/Department:School of Earth and Space Sciences



Dr. Hui Wu received both Bachelor and Doctoral degrees from the Department of Hydraulic Engineering at Tsinghua University in 2010 and 2015 respectively. After working in Tsinghua University as a postdoc for two years, Dr. Wu joined the Computational Geosciences Group in Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory as a postdoctoral research staff member in 2017, and became a Staff Scientist in 2020....

  • Educational Experience
  • Work Experience

[1]  2010.8 to 2015.7
Tsinghua University  | Civil Engineering  | Doctoral degree  | Postgraduate (Doctoral)
[2]  2006.8 to 2010.7
Tsinghua University  | Hydraulic Engineering  | Bachelor's Degree  | Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree)

[1]   2022.3 to  Now
Peking University  | School of Earth and Space Sciences  | Assistant Professor
[2]   2020.3  to  2022.3
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory  | Atmospheric, Earth and Energy Division  | Staff Scientist
[3]   2017.5  to  2020.3
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory  | Atmospheric, Earth and Energy Division  | Postdoctoral research staff member
[4]   2015.7  to  2017.5
Tsinghua University  | Department of Hydraulic Engineering  | Postdoctoral researcher

Research Focus



(1) Fracture characterization; (2) Hydraulic Stimulation; (3) Multi-Physics coupled simulation and analysis.


Massive parallel numerical platform for thermal-hydro-mechanical coupled simulation in porous and fractured media


Electro-kinetic treatment of soft soil and contaminated soil
