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Degree:Doctoral Degree in Science
School/Department:School of Earth and Space Sciences

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Alma Mater: University of Southampton, UK



Dr. Liao Chang is an Associate Professor (with tenure) and Principal Investigator at the School of Earth and Space Sciences at Peking University. He is heading an active research group of several post-docs and students specialised in magnetic analyses of natural materials, addressing a wide range of problems in rock and mineral magnetism, environmental magnetism, and marine geology & geophy...

  • Education
  • Work Experience

[1]  2000.9 to 2004.6
Peking University  | Solid Earth Physics  | Bachelor's Degree  | University graduated
[2]  2004.9 to 2005.8
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences  | Solid Earth Physics  | Master's degree in graduate school
[3]  2005.9 to 2009.5
University of Southampton  | Solid Earth Physics  | Doctoral degree  | Postgraduate (Doctoral)

[1]   2009.5  to  2011.8
University of Southampton, UK
[2]   2011.9  to  2013.8
Utrecht University, The Netherlands
[3]   2013.9  to  2015.8
Australian National University
[4]   2015.8 to  Now
Peking University
