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Professor Karol Mazur: College Education and Income Contingent Loans in Equilibrium
In many countries, student loans are very important for financing higher education
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Professor Jia Dun: Dynamic Price Competition, Learning-By-Doing and Strategic Buyers
In the new model, sellers benefit from learning-by-doing but buyers are critically important in the way that they are able to partly internalize the impacts of their purchase decisions on the dynamics of market structure evolution
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Professor Xu Yuchen: The Telegraph and Modern Banking Development
The findings of the paper indicate that the telegraph as a revolutionary advance in information technology promoted the early development of modern banks vvv
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Care and Support for UK Campus Students During the Pandemic
One of the key takeaways is the resilience of staff and students of the UK Campus
Nicholas Ruck: With Variety and Always Exploring
As one of the first batch of graduates in the program, Nicholas chose not only to study but also to work and live in China