As an integral part of Peking University, the Guanghua School of Management carries a rich legacy and tradition of academic excellence as one of the most prestigious and highly-respected business schools in the Asia-Pacific region. Guanghua is committed to creating economic and social value for China and the world.
The Galaxy Campaign will create a future in which Guanghua is increasingly recognized internationally as China’s world-class business school and becomes synonymous with innovation, inclusion, and global leadership.
Guanghua Strategic Vision 2030
The School’s executive leadership, academic department heads, and program directors formulate the strategic plan every ten years through a research and review process that includes consultation with students, alumni, employers, and corporate partners. Guanghua’s strategic plan Guanghua Strategic Vision 2030 covers the period from 2020-2030 and is rooted in our mission “to advance management knowledge and develop business leaders for China and the global society.” The plan defines our overall strategy, vision, and operational focus areas and serves as a roadmap for the School’s long-term development efforts.
The current strategic plan marks a transition to a new phase of Guanghua’s development:
• Previous Phase: National Leadership and International Compatibility to Global Competitiveness (2010-2020)
• Current Phase: Global Competitiveness to Global Leadership (2021-2030)
Why have we named this the “Galaxy Campaign”?
There is a Chinese saying “The starlight does not ask anything of the wayfarer,” which conveys the idea that the stars will light the way of those who persevere. This saying is intended to be a kind of encouragement urging people on in relentless pursuit of their goals. The generosity of our friends and supporters provides light, just like the stars, that supports Guanghua in achieving its goals for 2030.
Furthermore, “the light of the pure heart” will guide Guanghua’s faculty and researchers, providing courage to maintain boundless curiosity in pursuit of self-actualization through education and research as we continue toward our 2030 goals.
Starlight is ever-present but its effects are diverse, from nights when the moon makes starlight barely visible to nights when starlight permeates the entire sky. Similarly, a Guanghua education generates many lasting, positive, and diverse benefits, and the values embodied in “Guanghua Thought” have grown and prospered. Using our past progress as a foundation, we continue forward in our efforts to achieve our mission.
Together, we can—and will—build a better Guanghua and expand our contributions and achievements as a business school. We look forward to partnering with you and, using the starlight as our guide, embracing opportunities into 2030 to build a brighter future for everyone.
Current Priorities:
Fundraising priorities of The Galaxy Campaign, are determined by a combination of needs that focus on students, faculty and the educational experience that Guanghua provides to its community.
Guanghua is uniquely positioned to meet the evolving needs of students and solve pressing real-world challenges. This Campaign will support Guanghua in these efforts by ensuring its long-term ability to:
• Attract and support the best students from across the globe, irrespective of their ability to pay
• Recruit and retain internationally-renowned faculty and researchers
• Invest in world-leading research and education programs
• Renovate teaching and research facilities to foster an inclusive community where diverse backgrounds, experiences, and viewpoints are valued and shared as part of an academic culture of rigorous, open-minded inquiry